3 Ingredient Milkshakes

3 Ingredient Milkshakes

Welcome, milkshake enthusiasts and flavor adventurers! Get ready to embark on a taste sensation like no other!


Our vegan and gluten-free milkshake recipe lets you customize your experience with a wide range of mouthwatering flavors. From the classic combination of strawberry and banana to the indulgent allure of peanut butter and brownie, and even the vibrant allure of matcha, the choice is yours! Let your taste buds run wild and create a milkshake masterpiece that reflects your unique style.

Prep time: 7 minutes

Makes a 6 oz smoothie


  • 1 packet of your preferred Docs Daughters Superfood Overnight Oats flavor packet —strawberry, banana, PB, brownie, or matcha
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut cream
  • 1/2 cup of your favorite plant milk. 
  • Handful of ice cubes

Simply toss everything into a blender, hit that magic button, and blend until smooth and creamy, then sit back, relax, and indulge in a moment of pure bliss.

Enjoy!! <3

Yours truly, 

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