3 Ways to Heart Hemp Seeds

3 Ways to Heart Hemp Seeds

What are hemp seeds? 

Hemp seeds are derived from the cannabis sativa plant however, you won't get high off of them. They have a rich nutty flavor making them great to cook with and a nutrient-dense addition to any dish.

Why are they so nutritious?

Hemp seeds are a low calorie, protein powerhouse. Hemp seeds provide all nine essential amino acids AND they contain almost as much protein as soybeans. Along with being high in protein, hemp seeds are a healthy source of omega-3 fatty acids which make them crucial for your brain health. In addition, they contain B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, and iron.

Because of their high protein and high omega 3 fatty acid content, I eat hemp seeds every single day, whether it’s in my morning oats, mixed into a sauce, or sprinkled atop my afternoon salad and this does not go without reason.

You can incorporate hemp seeds into your meals in an abundance of different ways, getting all of the amazing health benefits and never having to get sick of them. In nut-containing recipes: I usually halve the amount of nuts a recipe calls for and include the lower calorie, nutritious hemp seeds instead.

Below you will find three of my favorite ways to use hemp seeds. They are delicious and satisfying recipes, but don’t take my word for it, try them yourself!



Hemp Dressing

Oil-Free Salad Dressing

Introducing an oil-free honey mustard dressing that includes cashews, hemp seeds, and delicious spices. It is that dressing that is both sweet and savory and makes you look forward to your salad of the day. It’s delicious and not only doubles as a great veggie dip, but is an easy, practical way to give your meal an extra nutrient boost. Nuts and seeds facilitate the absorption of nutrients in the other vegetables in your salad too!

One of my favorite salads to use this dressing on is a bed of lettuce with chopped raw bok choy and topped with tomato, cauliflower, red pepper, cabbage, cucumber, sautéed mushrooms, edamame, beans, and broccoli sprouts. It’s that dressing that can be used with any salad toppings you have left in your fridge, it makes you look forward to any salad.

Tip: for an extra hemp seed boost sprinkle them on top of your salad!



Honey Mustard Dressing

Tools: you will need a Vitamix or high-speed blender and measuring cups for this recipe.

Serves: 6-8 - this will give you dressing for your whole week


1/2 cup raw cashews⁠

1/2 cup hemp seeds⁠

1/2 cup apple cider vinegar ⁠

1/2 cup raisins⁠

3/4 tsp Dijon mustard⁠

1/2 tsp coconut aminos⁠

1/2 tsp onion powder⁠

1/4 cup nutritional yeast ⁠

1/2 cup water (see note below)⁠


Blend until smooth, adding more water if you prefer it thinner like me. Once the dressing stores in the fridge, it thickens a bit - I add a few tablespoons of additional water as I eat it throughout the week. I encourage you to play around with it for your desired consistency⁠.

Creamy Hemp Milk

This strain-free hemp milk is another great way to use hemp seeds! So creamy and smooth that my friend said she hates homemade nut milk, but this was that perfect combination she couldn’t wait to make again. This simple recipe has only five ingredients, is sweetened using dates. This means you can control the sweetness and it contains no “I-don’t-knows-what-this-ingredient-is” preservatives like most of the store-bought nut milk. Perfect for your morning drinks, smoothies, or try it with our Superfood Overnight Oats!

Because we don’t strain this milk, we gain beneficial fiber and nutrients. In addition, it makes for an easier cleanup and no mess. Healthier, cleaner, and easier? Now that’s our style.

Creamy Hemp Milk

Tools: you will need a Vitamix or high-speed blender and measuring cups for this recipe.

Serves: 4­-6


1 cup water (as cold as possible)

1/2 cup hemp seeds

1/2 cup nuts (I opt for almond or pecan but anything goes)

2-3 medjool dates

1 tbsp vanilla bean powder


Add all ingredients to your blender with only 1 cup of cold water.

Blend until it is the consistency of smooth butter.

Add 5 cups of ice-cold water and blend again, until milk is well combined. Enjoy!

Cocoa Hemp Butter

Hemp seed butter is a great alternative to nut butter because hemp seeds are higher in protein and lower in calories. It’s common knowledge to the people around me that I am obsessed with nut butters; however, I’m happy to use more hemp seed butter into my meals. It’s lighter, satisfying, and exceptionally delicious. I love to eat this with ants on a log or apple slices when I indulge in a healthy treat.

Chocolate Hemp Seed Butter

Tools: you will need a food processor or Vitamix for this recipe. If using a Vitamix you will need to stop, mix, and turn on again a few times.

Serves: 4


1 cup hemp seeds

1.5 tbsp cocoa powder

¼ cup nut milk

3 dates


Add to a blender and there you have it, hemp seed butter!

Do you have a favorite way of enjoying hemp seeds? Please share your thoughts and favorite recipes below. I’d love to geek out with you on the powerful properties of hemp!


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